End of year HDX stats/email campaign
1. HDX stats - static graphics (for tweets)
- get unique users(“All Events - Unique”)/unique downloads(“resource download - Unique”) from https://mixpanel.com/report/975561/insights#report/6997615/pv-dl-all-excluding-bots-hxlproxy-hdxinternal (set timeframe + show data as “table”)
- get hxlated datasets/dataset with quick charts/# of datasets(make sure to update # of orgs) from HDX
- get % of completed data grid from DPT/DS teamsource file(.ai): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nGQNHAIy-sdBDgXFcXD2nqgSK8yhBtoD&authuser=yumi.endo@humdata.org&usp=drive_fs
2019 data included data from Jan 1 2019-Dec 16 2019
2. Year-in-review email (via Mailchimp)
2019 stats - sent to all orgs admins(no minimum downloads)
3. Top 10 highlights gif (blog)
Reliefweb banner(300 × 450px): source files: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1YifeZ1EoC-VcPAL5A7kvjTX5VwdRmDcZ
twitter banner: 800x566px