Dataset Quality Assurance Procedures

Dataset Quality Assurance Procedures


This document presents the current procedures undertaken by the HDX Data team to verify that datasets that are hosted on the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) meet with the minimum quality standards. There are two kinds of datasets on the repository, those created by the community, and those that are created by the HDX team as part of the curation process. This document outlines the quality assurance checks that are to being carried out for each of these two types of datasets. These procedures are conducted twice daily ( morning and evening) on new datasets or existing datasets on HDX that have been changed.

The dataset quality assurance procedures are presented below. These procedures are based on a set of potential dataset quality issues that have been identified. For each potential quality issue, the processes for checking for the existence of the issue, the timing of the checks as well as the corrective action to be taken on datasets that fail to meet the quality standard are listed.

Four tables are presented below, one table for quality issues that are common to both community generated and curated datasets, the second table for dataset quality issues unique to community generated datasets, the third table for dataset quality issues unique to curated datasets and the fourth table lists the potential data quality issues that are checked as part of the HDX Quality Assurance Framework (QAF).

A mindmap graphic visualizes these issues:

Table 1. Common Dataset Quality Assurance Procedures 


Potential Quality Issue

When to check

How to check

Corrective action


Unrelated item in related items tab

-When a related item is added

Using a script, identify datasets with a related item and evaluate the related item for relevance

Delete related item

Engage responsible user


Dataset metadata missing or incomplete

-When dataset is made public

-When dataset is revised

-During routine data QA process

Manual or scripted evaluation of the dataset

Engage org admin


Potential Quality Issue

When to check

How to check

Corrective action


Dataset has no resources (files or links)

-When dataset is made public

-During routine data QA process

Manual or scripted count of the number of resources in the dataset

Make dataset private

Engage org admin


Dataset has a broken resource link

-When dataset is made public

-During routine data QA process

Manual or scripted check of resource link

Engage org admin

Check for 201


Dataset contains no relevant humanitarian data

-When dataset is made public

Manual evaluation of  the data

Make dataset private

Engage org admin


Dataset contains test data

-When dataset is made public

Manual evaluation of the data

Make dataset private

Engage org admin


Dataset contains sensitive data (PII, DII, CII)

-When dataset is made public

Manual evaluation of the data

Make dataset private/ Remove dataset from platform

Engage org admin

Refer for management review


Dataset contains inappropriate or otherwise objectionable content

-When dataset is made public

Manual evaluation of the data

Make dataset private

Revoke user editing privileges

Refer for management review

Engage org admin


Dataset contains the COD tag

-When dataset is made public

Manual or scripted check for the COD tag in the data

Remove the tag

Engage the data provider


Dataset contains individual survey data

-When dataset is made public

Manual evaluation of the data, special check for PII, DII or CII

Look for data dictionary

Make dataset private

Engage the data provider


Dataset contains a PDF resource that is not considered metadata

-When dataset is made public

Manual or scripted check for PDF document

Remove PDF or make dataset private if dataset no longer viable

Engage data provider


Dataset source is non existent or unclear

-When dataset is made public

Manual evaluation of the dataset

Make private

Engage data provider