Form Fields

Form Fields

The Digital Situation Report follows a standardized form. It contains the following fields:



Required. Contact the DSR team if you are interested in creating SitReps in multiple languages. We currently support Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish and the local languages Ikirundi, Somali and Ukrainian.


Country Name

Required. This is the country name which appears on the Situation Reports page. Please do not modify this field without contacting the DSR team first. Unannounced changes can be misinterpreted as errors and may be reverted by the DSR team.


Date Updated

Required. Each time a substantial change/update is made to your Digital SitRep, the date should be changed. We encourage offices to add notes in the Internal ReliefWeb Instructions field.


Key Image

Required. We recommend uploading a square or almost-square image. At this time, you can upload an image with a minimum pixel size of 400x400 and a maximum pixel size of 3600x2700. It is possible to resize an image within Contentful. Click here for more information on resizing images.



Required. We encourage offices to have 3 to 5 highlights in their Digital SitRep. At this time, the Highlights section can hold a maximum of 5 items. Click here for information on how to remove entries from your list.


Key figures

Encouraged. The Digital SitRep will publish without figures in this field. However, we encourage all offices to include at least 3 items to present their audience with “fuller” content. The system will format text to style. Numbers with counters should be entered without a space such as “5M” and not “5 M”.


Funding (manually entered)

The Digital SitRep will publish without figures in this field. This field is used if no FTS URL is included. Numbers with counters should be entered without a space such as “5M” and not “5 M”. Currency indicators such as “$” will be automatically included.



This field is provided the the DSR team and does not need to be modified. Use the Funding (manually entered) section if your office does not have an FTS URL to use.



The Content field contains 6 different content types. For more information on each type, click on the content type name.



Required. We encourage all offices to include at least one point of contact (person or general office).


Mailchimp Signup URL

Include your office’s signup URL in this field. A subscribe option will appear at the top of the report. The Digital SitRep will publish if this field is empty.



Required. This field will first be created by the DSR team. It includes social media and other related links (ReliefWeb Response, Reliefweb.int, unocha.org country page). You can update this section as necessary.


Form Fields Visual Reference


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