Getting started

Getting started

Welcome to the digital situation report world. First, we want to make sure that you are aware of the project background. Make sure that you have read the linked resources on the Overview page (e.g. latest presentation and Q&A document), scanned the FAQs and have discussed the idea with your office.

So, you are keen to move to the Digital Situation Report. Congratulations. To get started, kindly indicate your interest to the DSR team. Once we know you are interested, we will arrange Contentful access, setup LastPass and arrange any briefings/training necessary.

Initially, you will be given access to a dedicated Training space. You will be able to add, removed, edit and delete content without worrying about affecting any public content. Once you feel comfortable, we can give you access to the live, production site.

In either the Training or the Live site, our team can migrate one of your recent (static) reports if you would like. Although this support may initially rob you of the learning experience, it may help you feel more comfortable with Contentful and get your DSR launched a bit quicker.