Contentful access

Contentful is an industry leading content management system that we have selected to use for the Digital Situation Report. In order to gain access, a generic account for office needs to be setup. Then, we will distribute that access through another tool called LastPass.

Setting up the Contentful account:

  1. Send the DSR team your office's generic email address.
  2. The DSR team will create a Contentful account on your behalf. 
  3. Your office's generic email address will receive an email confirmation from Contentful.
  4. Forward the email confirmation to the DSR team. Check the spam folder if the confirmation is not in the inbox.
  5. Your office's generic email address will receive a second email from Contentful, inviting you to join "United Nations – OCHA" organization.
  6. Forward the email invitation to the DSR team.
  7. The credentials are then shared through LastPass - see separate page

Different spaces in Contentful:

We have two main spaces in Contentful: DSR Training and Digital Situation Reports (production). Initially you will be given access to DSR Training which is a completely separated environment where you do as you please without fear of breaking anything. Once you are comfortable, we can give you access to Digital Situation Reports which publishes to the live website.

You can tell the space you are in by looking to the upper-left of Contentful.

Contentful Space indication