Form Fields - Right Sidebar

Form Fields - Right Sidebar

The right sidebar contains important information about your Situation Report. Much of this space will be updated automatically or completed by the DSR admin team.



This field shows the status of your Situation Report. Your report will be labeled as Draft, Published or Changed and will updated automatically.


You are working in a new Situation Report. It is not visible to the public and there are no previous versions available. Your report will stay as a draft until it is published.


Your Situation Report is available to the public. The most recent version is available.


Your Situation Report is available to the public. However, changes were made to the report and are not visible to the public. These changes will stay hidden until the changes are published.

Change Status - Unpublish vs Archive



Unpublish will remove your Situation Report or content card from public view. The item will remain in the content library and can be searched for.


This option is similar to deleting your content or situation report. It is removed from public view and removed from the content library. Archived content is moved to a separate location within Contentful. To locate archived content, click StatusArchived under the Shared Views section on the left side of the content display.

When should I unpublish and when should I archive?

Unpublishing is the preferred method for removing content as it can still be modified and accessible through the content library.

Empty content entries and empty situation reports should be archived are they can cause other technical issues. Duplicate entries can also be archived to avoid confusion. Be aware that archiving items will also remove them from all areas they appear such an image across multiple DSRs.


You can review your DSR before publishing using the Preview option. You also have the option of downloading a PDF version of your draft for review.

In the DSR Training space, you need to publish your report before previewing. All work in the DSR Training space is only visible to you and other offices using the Training space, not the general public. You do not need to publish in the production space in order to preview your work.


This is found in production only (not DSR Training).

Each time you publish your DSR, a record is created in Contentful. You can select a previous version of your report to compare with the current version.

Internal ReliefWeb Instructions

Recommended. When you publish your DSR, an email is automatically generated to ReliefWeb editors notifying them of the new report. Add your message to the ReliefWeb Editorial teams into this field before clicking Publish.

A copy of the email will also be sent to the email address listed in the Internal ReliefWeb Email CC field.

IMPORTANT: The message does not clear automatically. If you add a message here, and it does not apply the next time you publish, please remove your message before publishing. To clear the message, click into the field and backspace/delete the text.

Example instructions:

  • Do not publish to RW

  • Fixed text, please replace PDF from D M YY

  • Added new content, post as new

  • Post when the Arabic version is available

Internal ReliefWeb Email CC

Your generic office email address is included in this field. A copy of the email generated to ReliefWeb will be sent to this address.


This field is completed by the DSR admin team. The slug will be the name of your country and appears in the official URL for your DSR. Please notify the team if any error messages appear identifying this field.

Country Code

This field is completed by the DSR admin team. Please notify the team if any error messages appear identifying this field.

Open All Content Links in New Window/Tab?

This field is set to “No” as default.