Events calendar

Events calendar



The event calendar is a basic but crucial tool for humanitarian response coordination. Humanitarian responders in both sudden onset and chronic crises will find it essential to know what meetings are taking place as a way to exchange information, identify partnerships and move ahead with the response. This tool is the starting point for in-person communication and coordination.

  • Purpose: The event calendar describes meetings and other events relevant to the humanitarian response.

  • Target Audience: This is a public tool for the humanitarian community, and others interested in the details of the response.

  • Scope: Meetings, working groups and other events relevant to the response.


The best option is to maintain the calendar function on the relevant operation on https://response.reliefweb.int/ platform. The default events calendar used is from TeamUp (but you can easily integrate or link to other calendars, like Google calendar, as well).

The TeamUp calendar offers a range of features including Ical feeds and the ability to print a pdf version (see the TeamUp Help Center). The calendar is integrated under the RW Response “Events” tab. New events can be added to a calendar via a “modifier” link. When a new calendar is created, the modifier link is shared with the operation manager. If you need a modifier link to the calendar, contact support@unocha.org.

The main challenge is to establish the calendar as the authority on humanitarian meeting schedules early in the emergency. Ensure that there is a focal point within the team (often a Coordination colleague is better placed) who ensures partner and cluster lead outreach and consistently updates the accuracy of the tool, especially in dynamic response environments across multiple locations and coordination hubs. Remember, users will move quickly away from the tool if inaccuracies appear or the update sequence is slow.


RW Response help material

Excel Templates


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