Global IM Functional Team (GIFT)

Global IM Functional Team (GIFT)


Under the leadership of the Information Management Functional Lead, the Global IM Functional Team (GIFT) serves as a mechanism to bring together expertise from across OCHA, with the aim of improving excellence in the functional area of information management.

The GIFT supports the Functional Lead in “shepherding” the IM Function, including through defining priorities for the function through the Strategic Planning process, developing policies and guidance, collecting best practices, building capacity, communicating organizational direction and ensuring joint accountability for the performance of information management work at HQ and the field.

The GIFT counts on participation of IM professionals from all OCHA functions, both at HQ and in Regional and Country Offices. 


The GIFT undertakes its work through working groups, formed by subject matter experts from across the organization.   Once a year, the GIFT comes together for a workshop where working groups present work completed, new priority areas are decided, and work undertaken in sprints. The groups continue to work and engage throughout the year.


For more information on focus areas and progress reports visit GIFT


  • For more information and reading, please visit the GIFT webpage on the OCHA Hub



    If you would like to get in touch with the GIFT secretariat, please reach out to:

    Francesca Civili – civilif@un.org

    Erik Kastlander – kastlander@un.org

    Abeer Abdeen – abdeen@un.org

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