




ReliefWeb (RW) is a humanitarian information service provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). ReliefWeb's editorial team curates the site to deliver highly valuable and up to date humanitarian content to global humanitarian workers and decision-makers, enabling them to make informed decisions and to plan effective responses. ReliefWeb functions as the official repository of all OCHA public documents. 

Key content, including the latest reports, maps and infographics from trusted sources, is delivered through various channels - the reliefweb.int website, social media networks, subscription services, and other specialized OCHA platforms such as ReliefWeb Response, and the OCHA corporate site through API or RSS - so that humanitarian workers can access a range of latest humanitarian information anywhere, any time. 

ReliefWeb is also a valuable resource for job listings and training programs, helping humanitarian organizations to disseminate career and training opportunities to a global audience. 

RW Home page.png
RW Updates.png

Publishing Content on ReliefWeb

ReliefWeb relies on information contributed by numerous organizations. We welcome documents from a variety of sources, including NGOs, UN agencies, governments, think tanks and the media, among others. By sharing information on ReliefWeb, your organization helps to improve the collective understanding of the humanitarian aid community. 


Have a report, press release, or map to publish? Become a contributor! If you are part of OCHA, another UN Agency (or a select partner organization), you can request access to directly publish your organization products on ReliefWeb. 

Make the request to the official support email (submit@reliefweb.int). You will be scheduled for a training session and granted permission to start publishing your content. 

All other organizations that would like to share their content can submit it for publication to submit@reliefweb.int




Need More Support?

Contact submit@reliefweb.int

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