Organizations Registration and the Grand Bargain Classification

Organizations Registration and the Grand Bargain Classification


On this page, we provide OCHA’s guidance on registering and classifying organizations in line with the Grand Bargain localization marker definitions. This resource is designed to help OCHA staff at headquarters and in country offices accurately register and categorize organizations involved in humanitarian aid.

By following these guidelines, staff can ensure effective identification of key actors in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) and support submissions to the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPF). The guidance also plays an important role in tracking funding flows and advancing the global commitment to direct 25% of humanitarian funding to local and national actors.

OCHA, in collaboration with the Grand Bargain Localization Working Group, has integrated these standards into its tools and services, reclassifying over 12,000 organizations and aligning its processes to promote more inclusive and accountable humanitarian action.


Guidance and Manuals


User’s Guide


Sep 2024

Download (English)

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