HPC Bridge Tools

HPC Bridge Tools


The Bridge tools are analytical tools designed to leverage HPC data and can be customized to suit various contexts.

The Planning Bridge Tool facilitates a comprehensive view of cluster plans and partners projects side by side. Its primary objective is to provide a clearer picture of projects, enabling effective planning based on identified needs. It allows for real-time communication and enhanced visibility using new technologies like Power BI, enabling clusters and partners to view each other’s plans. Additionally, the Planning Bridge Tool is not limited to this specific use case and can be expanded to incorporate other data from processes such as access, activity costing, funding, and more, as required.

  • Example from Sudan context allowing to zoom in the Famine Prevention Plan within the Humanitarian Response Plan can be found here

  • Useful Power queries can be found here

  • Link to the Planning tool API can be found here

The Response Monitoring Analysis (RMA) Tool serves as a customizable monitoring solution. It maximizes the utility of collected HPC information by creating a bridge-like dashboard that integrates needs, planning, monitoring, and financial data in an integrated view. This empowers cluster coordinators to proactively track their activities, ensuring they are implemented and adjusted as necessary. The tool facilitate prioritization and categorization of activities in identified geographical areas based on needs and targets the population calculated during the planning phase.

  • Link to the RMA API can be found here

The bridge tools play a crucial role not only in facilitating efficient planning, monitoring, and advocacy efforts. They establish a clear connection between needs, activities, and projects, ensuring there are no overlaps or surpluses.

By aligning prioritized actions with priority needs and minimizing gaps, these tools provide justification for HRP funding requirements. In cases where security permits and partners agree, there is an opportunity to release a public or semi-public version of the tools. This would showcase the HPC’s commitment to efficient and effective planning and monitoring mechanisms.

We strongly encourage the utilization of these tools in all HRP countries. Their implementation will greatly contribute to improved outcomes and successful humanitarian response.

A recording of an HPC Bridge Tools training clinic is viewable here (UN credentials required). 


Guidance and Manuals


Introduction to HPC Bridge Tools concept

Date: Feb 2023

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Planning Bridge Tool

Date: Feb 2023

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Response Monitoring Analysis Tool

Date: Feb 2023

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