Financial Tracking Service (FTS)

Financial Tracking Service (FTS)

The Financial Tracking Service (FTS) is a comprehensive platform that offers curated and regularly updated data and information on humanitarian funding flows. It serves as a centralized source where government donors, UN-administered funds, UN agencies, NGOs, and other humanitarian actors can exchange valuable data and information. The primary objectives of FTS are:

  1. Providing real-time and up-to-date insights into funding flows for ongoing humanitarian operations.

  2. Tracking funding progress in relation to humanitarian response plans and related appeal requirements, including sectoral breakdowns and information on existing gaps.

  3. Offering visibility into the funding sources and allocations across various humanitarian operations.

FTS gathers, organizes, and publishes all the data reported to it by designated focal points within organizations. This data includes funding that contributes to collectively agreed objectives, activities, and projects within Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs), as well as funding that may fall outside existing appeals.

Links below provide comprehensive guidance materials on effectively navigating and utilizing FTS for financial tracking, data extraction, and reporting purposes.

Document Name



Document Name



What is FTS and How to Use it

Information Note – Website


Most Frequent Asked Questions



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