New Carousel item
New Carousel item
Guide for images
Crop image keeping aspect ratio
- https://croppola.com
- upload your image
- In the right corner (black box):
- select "Manual"
- input in width 215
- input in height 150
- Extend and your frame to capture as much of the image as intended
- Hit "Download this crop"
Compress and resize your image
- http://picresize.com/edit
- Select image dowloaded from step above
- Go to "2. Resize Your Picture" and select:
- Custom size
- Width: 215px
- Height 150px
- Hit "Yes I'm done, resize my picture"
- On next screen hit "Save to disk"
Guide for animations (gifs)
Go to https://compressor.io/compress and only optimize the gif. I couldn't find any decent online crop tools.