New Carousel item

New Carousel item

Guide for images

Crop image keeping aspect ratio

  1. https://croppola.com
  2. upload your image
  3. In the right corner (black box):
    1. select "Manual"
    2. input in width 215
    3. input in height 150
  4. Extend and your frame to capture as much of the image as intended
  5. Hit "Download this crop"

Compress and resize your image

  1. http://picresize.com/edit
  2. Select image dowloaded from step above
  3. Go to "2. Resize Your Picture" and select:
    1. Custom size
    2. Width: 215px
    3. Height 150px
  4. Hit "Yes I'm done, resize my picture"
  5. On next screen hit "Save to disk"

Guide for animations (gifs)

Go to https://compressor.io/compress and only optimize the gif. I couldn't find any decent online crop tools.