Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop)

Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop)

Overview - more detail coming soon

Adobe Creative Cloud package offers more than 20 desktop and mobile applications for design, arts, photography, web development and other areas. Out of these creative applications, the most frequently used by the IMOs are:

Adobe applications

When to use

Adobe applications

When to use


Vector illustration software ideal for logo/icon design, statics infographics (such as a humanitarian snapshot, dashboard or 3W) or finalizing a static map created on ArcGIS Pro/QGIS.

Layout design software, especially useful for design and publication of multi-page documents such as HNO, HRP, PMR, multi-page map atlases, etc.

Raster images editor for manipulating photography and other pixel-based imagery.


  • Inkscape is a commonly used open source alternative to Adobe Illustrator. While free of charge to download and use, the software comes with certain limitations, such as the lower number of tools and supported file formats. However, the vast majority of the basic IMO tasks are perfectly doable with Inkscape too.


How to get the license?

OCHA offices should make a request as per guidance on OCHA Hub under the section Adobe Licences


Master book of Inforgraphic training, October 2016

  • Adobe Illustrator (page 12 -39)

  • Adobe InDesign (page 41 -71)





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