COD-AB quality
The information in this section is also broadly applicable to Edge-matched administrative boundary dataset (COD-EM) CODs. |
COD-AB (and COD-EM) datasets are categorized as ‘standard’ and ‘enhanced’ CODs.
There is an analogous categorization for Population Statistics Common Operational Datasets (COD-PS).
Enhanced CODs
Enhanced CODs have undergone improved development and quality control. Enhanced COD-AB and COD-EM datasets have been geometry and attribute quality controlled and prepared to a standardized schema by ITOS. (See COD-AB geoservices for more information about ITOS). Enhanced CODs are identified in HDX datasets views and on their HDX dataset pages with a “COD+” icon.
Standard CODs
Standard COD-ABs are those that are not ‘Enhanced’. These include many older COD-AB datasets. They may lack geometric and attribute quality control and may not adhere to the standardized schema.
Standard CODs are identified in HDX dataset views and on their HDX dataset pages with a “COD” icon.
Most new or recently updated COD-AB and COD-EM datasets are enhanced.