COD branding, styling, and schema

COD branding, styling, and schema


COD logo

Each product about the CODs, both digital and printed, static or interactive, should be accompanied with the COD logo.

Logo Options

White background, PNG format

Large, 1040 X 400

Medium, 520 X 200

Small, 260 X 100

White background, SVG format

Large, 1040 X 400

White background, PNG format

Large, 1040 X 400

Medium, 520 X 200

Small, 260 X 100

White background, SVG format

Large, 1040 X 400

Large, 1040 x 400

User Guidance


Do not:


Do not:

Use the existing colors

Distort or skew the dimensions

Use alternative colors, whether or not part of the UN color palette

Use the the white logo on a dark background

Maintain the dimensions

Use the blue logo on a dark background


COD Icons

Three COD-related icons are included in the Humanitarian Icons set:


P-codes icon


live geoservices icon



API icon


COD-related naming conventions

Use of the following naming and formatting conventions is purely voluntary.

Suggested COD naming

‘COD-BB-CCC’ where:

BB is COD theme or type code:

AB = administrative boundaries

EM = edge-matched administrative boundaries

PS = population statistics

CCC is ISO3166 three-character code, such as ‘LBR' for Liberia. This convention is used in the HDX URL for each COD. For instance, the URL for the Liberia administrative boundaries COD is https://data.humdata.org/dataset/cod-ab-lbr


Suggested administrative level naming

ADM0 for administrative level 0 (country)

ADM1 for administrative level 1

ADM2 for administrative level 2



Suggested feature name and P-code formatting

For maximum clarity the recommended format for writing feature names is in “quotation marks”.

The recommended format for writing P-codes is “[XYnnnnn]”. For example, the P-code for “Pitahaya”, in “Costa Rica” is [CR60102]".

The most recommended way of identifying a feature within one administrative level is “feature name [XYnnnnn]”. For example, “Pitahaya [CR60102]”. Although this is unambiguous, the most explicit way of identifying a feature within a country is to mention any higher administrative level feature names and P-codes. For example:

ADM3 feature “Pitahaya” [CR60102], in ADM2 feature “Puntarenas” [CR601], in ADM1 feature “Puntarenas” [CR6], in Costa Rica.



COD schema





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