Assessment Design and Analysis

Assessment Design and Analysis


A coordinated approach to assessment helps improve the quality, comparability, and evidence base for humanitarian response. Assessments are carried out in partnership by humanitarian actors and document the scope of a crisis. From jointly consolidating and analyzing findings to standardizing needs data collection, various tools and guidelines are available to conduct coordinated assessments. (from https://assessments.humanitarianresponse.info)

IM Officers will typically be responsible for the data management and coordination aspects of the assessment process. The Interagency Needs Assessment Taskforce has produced standard guidance on assessments focused around the Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment process. Therefore, we ask all IMOs to primarily use these tools throughout the assessment and coordination process found at: https://assessments.humanitarianresponse.info.


Coordinated assessments are put in place to develop a common understanding of humanitarian need in a given crisis and identify strategic humanitarian priorities. The process should reflect the views of vulnerable groups in the emergency across all sectors, and inform initial funding decisions.

Target Audience

The coordinated assessment process targets decision makers across the humanitarian community. The report is public and available to all concerned with the emergency.


The MIRA scope includes multi-cluster/sector initial humanitarian data. It does not include detailed cluster/sector specific data.


The coordinated assessment process should produce a MIRA report. This report supports decision makers in their initial strategic choices about the humanitarian response operation.

Connection to other Processes

The MIRA is the first step in the coordinated assessment process, and the humanitarian community should follow this phase with detailed cluster/sector level assessments across the operational area. Some OCHA offices such as Pakistan have developed more detailed context-specific assessment processes that have MIRA elements but are specifically adapted to emergency scenarios in their areas of operation.


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