Available languages
How does it work?
For every language, there is a Situation Report entry in Contentful. The language is set when the entry is created.
If you are producing content in 1 language, there will be 1 entry for your office.
If you are producing content in 2 languages, there will be 2 entries for your office.
The DSR language setting helps translate the titles, headings and other set items in the layout. All other content must be translated by the office.
How do I start creating DSRs in multiple languages?
Contact the support team (support@unocha.org). We will prepare a DSR entry for you in the language you want to use.
How to I work with multilingual DSRs?
You will have a DSR entry in Contentful for every language you are publishing in.
Locate the DSR you want to work in. If you do not have the language column in your dashboard, click on the wheel in the right corner and then click “Language”.
Languages are also listed in the DSR entry:
DO NOT change the language of your DSR in the entry. This impacts the DSR URL and can cause technical errors.