Needs assessments and analysis provide the evidence-base for strategic planning, as well as the baseline information upon which situation and response monitoring systems will rely. It should therefore form a continuous process throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC).
For more information visit the JIAF web page.
Guidance and Templates
Below you will find a collection of key guidance and templates supporting the production of Needs Assessment-related output.
Available in several languages, the HNO annotated template is available under the HPC Facilitation Package.
All HNOs are available here.
Identifying priority needs of affected populations is the first step towards ensuring an effective and speedy humanitarian response. The Operational Guidance promotes a shared vision of how to plan and carry out coordinated assessments. Outputs from coordinated assessments support humanitarian decision-making.
IASC Operational Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises | Languages available and links |
MIRA Guidance
The MIRA Guidance outlines an approach to undertaking a joint multi-sectoral assessment in the earliest days of a crisis or change in the context. It guides subsequent in-depth sectoral assessments and provides decision-makers with timely, adequate, sufficiently accurate and reliable information to collectively identify strategic priorities. More information can be found here.Frame work
MIRA Guidance | Associated documents, Languages available and links |
Data Collection Tools
Kobo Toolbox
Kobo Toolbox was created to be a free and accessible data collection tool for organizations in the humanitarian, development, environmental protection, peacebuilding, and human rights sectors. Kobo Toolbox is the main tool used by humanitarian organizations for primary data collection. Kobo allows users to quickly build questionnaires using a number of quantitative and qualitative question types and to collect data offline or online on mobile phones or web browsers. More information can be found here.
The Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP)
The findings of the JIAF are presented Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) which in turn helps inform the humanitarian response plan (HRP). For more information about JIAF please visit this websitepage.
Assessment Registry
A humanitarian needs assessment registry functions as a centralized database specifically designed to track and store information pertaining to needs assessments carried out in response to crises.
To learn more about the Assessment registry tool used by OCHA, click here.