The development and maintenance of COD-AB datasets is coordinated by OCHA in the interests of the country or regional Information Management Working Group (IMWG) which represents COD stakeholders.
OCHA COD focal points - staff of the country or regional OCHA information management unit - are responsible for gathering consensus from the
The information in this section is also broadly applicable to Edge-matched administrative boundary dataset (COD-EM) information in that they are derived from and updated along with their associated COD-AB. |
12 month COD-AB review process
All COD-AB datasets should be subjected to a 12-month COD-AB review process. After a COD-AB dataset is reviewed it should be reviewed again before a further 12 months have passed.
The review procesWhich of the following applies for each country?
The country administrative structure has changed such that the COD-AB should be updated.
The COD-AB has errors that should be corrected.
New data has been discovered that could improve the COD-AB (such as more accurate boundaries or a deeper administrative level).
The COD-AB requires no changes.