Common Operational Datasets (CODs) and Dashboard

Common Operational Datasets (CODs) and Dashboard


Impact of U.S. Foreign Aid Funding Cuts

Due to the recent U.S. foreign aid funding reductions and a stop work order issued to the ITOS project Field Information Services (FIS) team is revising our approach to the collection, processing, and dissemination of Common Operational Datasets (COD-AB). We are developing a new workflow to ensure continued access to reliable administrative boundary data, though with a more focused scope. Additional updates will be provided here as our process evolves.

What Are Common Operational Datasets (CODs)?

Common Operational Datasets (CODs) are authoritative reference datasets used by humanitarian organizations to support response efforts and decision-making. They provide a consistent and standardized data framework for all actors in a crisis.

Types of CODs

CODs are categorized into four main types:

  1. Administrative Boundaries (COD-AB) – Defines national and subnational boundaries.

  2. Edge-Matched Administrative Boundaries (COD-EM) – Seamlessly aligned boundary data across countries.

  3. Population Statistics (COD-PS) – Provides demographic data for humanitarian planning.

  4. Country-Specific Datasets (COD-CS) – Includes key data relevant to a specific country.

Why Are CODs Important?

  • Provide a common operational picture for crisis response.

  • Establish a geographic framework (P-codes) for data collection, analysis, and visualization.

  • Ensure consistency and interoperability across humanitarian operations.

  • Reduce duplication of effort and strengthen collaboration.

  • Facilitate informed decision-making before, during, and after crises.

Data Quality & Access

CODs are classified into two quality levels:

  • Enhanced CODs – Fully quality-controlled, standardized, and reliable.

  • Standard CODs – Not yet fully quality-controlled but still useful for response efforts.

CODs are catalogued on the COD Portal [LINK SUBJECT TO CHANGE] and disseminated via the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX). COD-AB and COD-EM datasets are also available as live GIS geoservices.


COD Global Information Dashboard