01 OCHA IM Guidance Brief: Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) Terms of Reference

01 OCHA IM Guidance Brief: Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) Terms of Reference


Inter-Cluster Coordination Groups (ICCG) are the main coordination mechanism in country operations with active clusters or sectors. An ICCG is responsible for joint needs analysis, planning, prioritisation, delivery and monitoring. New TORs for ICCGs were agreed by the Global Cluster Coordination Group (GCCG) in December 2017. These new TORs should be adopted with immediate effect, though it will take some time for formal endorsement by the IASC and adoption by clusters and agencies in the field.

What it means for IMOs

The new guidance includes several significant updates relevant to OCHA IMOs:

  • The chair of the IM Working Group / IM Network becomes a full member of the ICCG;

  • The ICCG is expected to work directly with the IM Working Group to 'establish the information management capacities, tools and approaches required to support operational response'

  • Cooperation between the ICCG and IMWG includes endorsing and implementing a plan for managing common operational datasets (CODs)Text should include: Step by Step, Checklist, SOPs, Tips


  • If the IMWG chair (usually the OCHA head of IM) is not already a member of the ICCG, alert the chair of the ICCG to this new requirement. The IMWG representative should become a regular and active member of the ICCG, including attending all meetings and ensuring appropriate attention to IM on the ICCG agenda.

  • An important issue to raise at the ICCG is IM capacity among the clusters. Each cluster should have an IM focal point (ideally a dedicated one). If this is not the case, ensure the cluster coordinators and ICCG are aware and taking action to fill these gaps.

  • Agree with the ICCG on a plan for endorsing 'core' common operational datasets (administrative boundaries and population statistics) and agreeing on 'country-specific' common operational datasets that will be maintained by clusters and agencies. More information on this can be found in the 2016 IMWG guidance on common operational datasets (CODs).

  • Ensure the work of the ICCG and IMWG are coordinated and complementary. The workplan of the IMWG should reflect the priorities and timelines of the ICCG. The ICCG should be updated on a regular basis of the IMWG's work.

Content of this document updated 23 January 2018
Migration to this page 17 December 2020

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