

Where can I get more support?

Questions and support requests can be sent to the OCHA Platforms and Content Support Team at support@unocha.org.

I created a new entry/content but it is not appearing in my SitRep.

  • Are you in the correct work space?

    Entries created in the DSR Training space will only appear in the DSR Training space.
    Entries created in the production Digital Situation Report space will only appear there.

    Visit Switching Work Spaces for instructions on how to move from The DSR Training space to the Digital Situation Report space (and vice versa).


  • Was the entry published as an individual piece?

    Entries in “Draft” mode will not appear on you SitRep. Each piece needs to be published individually before it can appear on your SitRep.

    To publish your entry:

  1. Locate and click on the “Draft” entry.


  2. Click “Publish” in the right sidebar.



  • Did you add your entry through your SitRep or through the home page?

    Entries created using the “Add entry” button on the home page are not automatically linked to your DSR. You can add the entry to your report by using the Link existing entries option on your DSR.


What happens to the Flash Update after the time expires?

Flash Updates remain in the CMS as published but will not appear on your SitRep after the time (selected when the update was created) has expired.


Can I change where the image appears in my article?

At this time, all images added to the Article appear on the right hand side. They are also automatically resized to conform to the space.

Can I add more than one image to an Article?

Only 1 image can be added to an Article or other content type.


  • Can your article/new story be broken into smaller chunks? Each piece can have it’s own image.

  • Can one of your images be used as a Visual? This is a good option for infographics, maps and graphs.

  • Can one of your images be used as a the Key Image for your DSR?

How do I add team member to our Contentful account?

Send a request to the DSR Team with the name and UN email address of the individual you would like to add to your account. After they have created a LastPass account, the Contentful information will be shared with them. Please note that there are no roles assigned in Contentful. All users have the same capabilities.


How do I remove a team member from our Contentful account?

Send a request to the DSR Team with the name and UN email address of the individual you would like to remove from your account.


I’m having trouble publishing my Digital SitRep.

  • Do you receive a “Validation failed” error message?

A required element may be missing from your DSR. Scroll through your report and locate any item highlighted by a red bar such as:

Updated the missing items and verify that all images are published with the correct dimensions.

If you continue experiencing trouble, contact the DSR team.


  • Did you duplicate or create a new Situation Report?

Duplication and creating new Situation Reports from scratch is not recommended. Content should be edited and updated from the existing SitRep. Offices should not have more than one SitRep unless they are providing SitReps in multiple languages.


I’m having trouble previewing my Digital SitRep.

  • Do you receive a log in request?

Contact the DSR team for the username and password. You only need to log in once to preview.


  • Do you receive a 404 error?

Check the slug and country code of your page. This is located at the very bottom of the right sidebar.

If you notice any error messages in red and are on the production (Digital Situation Report) space, contact the DSR team for assistance.

If you notice any error messages in red and are on the DSR Training space, you may modify your slug or country code. You can contact the DSR team for assistance.


  • Do you receive a 500 error?

Check your SitRep for missing or unpublished information such as Key Figures. The missing items may not be marked with an error message so please check carefully. Contact the DSR team for further assistance.



How do I change the layout of my Digital SitRep?

All Digital SitReps follow a similar layout design. Sidebars and other elements which disrupt the current layout cannot be added at this time. DSR owners should provide the minimum (Highlights, Key Image, Key Figures, Funding, and Contact).

If you have ideas or requests for features, please contact the DSR team.


Our office has SitReps in multiple languages. Is there a way to filter by language?

Yes! Contentful provides multiple filtering options.

  1. Confirm that you are in the Digital Situation Report space.

  2. Click “Situation Reports by Language” in the left sidebar.

    The content area will filter to display only Situation Reports. A new “Language” column is added to the content area.


  3. (optional) You can type your country name in the top search box for more filtering.


Do we have analytics on the DSR?

Yes! If you would like access to the Google Analytics account, contact support@unocha.org. You will need to provide a Gmail email address for access.

How do I look for my DSR in Google Analytics?

Once you're on Google Analytics, select Digital Situation Report > All Web Site Data and follow the steps below to filter

  1. On the Reports menu on the left, go to Behavior > Site Content > All pages

  2. Switch the primary Dimension from Page to Page Title

  3. Click on Advanced filter

  4. In the filter section, add the country or regional office name

    1. Example: Ukraine . The final search will be in the format: Page Title Containing Ukraine

  5. Click Apply

  6. Change the dates of the report in the upper right corner to the dates you are interested in.