There are four general types of COD:
CODs for a particular country should be linked by P-codes to each other and to other humanitarian data.
Suggested styling. It is recommended that feature names be contained in quotes and P-codes be contained in square brackets. For instance:
“Lavengatonga” [TO1407]
Enhanced CODs
Enhanced CODs have undergone improved development and quality control. Enhanced COD-AB and COD-EM datasets have been quality controlled and standardized by ITOS. Enhanced COD-PS datasets have been prepared (and therefore quality controlled and standardized) by UNFPA. Enhanced CODs are identified in HDX datasets views and on their HDX dataset pages with a “COD+” icon.
Most new or recently updated COD-AB, COD-EM, and COD-PS datasets are enhanced.
Standard CODs
Standard CODs are those that are not Enhanced. These include older COD-AB datasets, older COD-PS datasets (not contributed by UNFPA), and all COD-CS datasets.
Standard CODs are identified in HDX dataset views and on their HDX dataset pages with a “COD” icon.
Finding CODs
CODs are available for download from the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX). Approximately six hundred HDX datasets are CODs. All HDX dataset views contain a filter near the top-left for all CODs and a sub-filter for “Standard CODs” and “Enhanced CODs”. (These distinctions are described below.)
All COD datasets visible in any HDX dataset view have a “COD” icon (for Standard CODs) or a “COD+” icon for Enhanced CODs.
HDX provides a ‘Common Operational Database’ page (found in the “PRODUCTS” pull-down near the top of any page) which is merely a dataset view of CODs held on HDX.
HDX datasets contain ‘Data and Resources’ and ‘Metadata’. The Data and Resources are the actual files (shapefiles, spreadsheets, etc.) or external links (ITOS live geoservices) comprising a COD. Resources can be individually downloaded.
COD Portal
COD branding and visibility
COD development, reviews and management
COD development
Stakeholder validation
Annual COD-AB reviews
COD governance, responibilities, and development document
Advocacy Resources
COD Flyer FR (2016) | COD Flyer EN (2016) | COD Poster (2018) |
COD song (music video - mentions COD endorsement which is now less formal)
How a dataset becomes a COD (music video - emphasises COD endorsement which is now less formal)
50 things OCHA IMOs are responsible (iceberg) (infographic)
50 things OCHA and Core CODs (chart) (infographic)