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Comment: Resources

Remember the metadata you put in HDX affects it's discoverability on HDX (search algorithm) and is the story about the dataset, the more information you put in the more people will understand it and use it correctly.

The following instructions are specific to Core CODs but the information still applies to other CODs. For spatial datasets, at least a shapefile format should be shared. 


Title includes the name of dataset and number of administrative levels represented  

Endorsement date is included in the description

Source name is spelled out (and not just an acronym)

License is from HDX public list,  or 'otherOther' and --> 'humanitarian use only'.  (COD FOD Terms of Use are not considered valid anymore.)

Date of dataset makes sense. (it is not the date the dataset was processed , unless there were changes made to P-codes / administrative names.)

Expected frequency date should be 'yearly' or more frequent.   (With the COD cycle COD-AB and COD-PS need to be reviewed yearly - even if there is no change to the data there should be a change to the endorsement date.)

Methodology makes sense and includes a note about ITOS processing the dataset (if ITOS used).

Caveats include any notes about the dataset (if required).  ITOS provides caveats in it live feeds for each admin layer - these should be included in HDX metadata (Honduras example).

              include a note and link to historic COD (if applicable).

Tags include: COD, Administrative Boundaries or Population Statistics or dataset Dataset theme (e.g., Transportation, roadsSchools, portsPorts, ATMsHealth Facilities, Telecommunication towers, etc.).


COD-AB files include:

  • .XLSX administrative attribute excel gazetteer Excel workbook (with a tab for each administrative level)
  • SHP polygon shapefile and polyline shapefiles (for each administrative level)
  • SHP polyline shapefile (includes all levels)
  • - all files for each shapefile contained in one zipfile designated as "ZIPPED SHAPEFILES"
  • zipped Geodatabase (containing one feature class for each of the above shapefiles)
  • .KML file (either one for all administrative levels or one for each administrative level)EMF files for each polygon shapefile - all in one zipfile
  • .KMZ files for each polygon shapefile - all in one zipfile
  • ITOS web services if available
  • .PDF COD-AB data sheet

COD-PS files include:

  • .XLSX spreadsheet gazetteer Excel workbook (with a tab for each administrative level)
  • .CSV table file (for each administrative level)
  • .PDF COD-PS data sheet